MCC’s Small Business Center to Fund Counseling Engagements for Area Companies
Published on Wednesday, September 2nd, 2020
If you own or work for a small business in Montgomery County the Small Business Center (SBC) at Montgomery Community College (MCC) will pay for your company to receive professional advice and counseling to survive and thrive during the COVID-19 epidemic.
The North Carolina State Board of Community Colleges approved this allocation for SBC counseling through the Department of Education’s Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act. MCC’s allocation is $51,724 and must be spent by December 31, 2020. MCC’s SBC team is reaching out to local businesses, offering to fund confidential, one-on-one counseling in numerous areas of the company’s choosing. Topics range from accounting and finance, to marketing and public relations, to writing a business plan and obtaining financing for new ventures and more.

“Most small businesses I know could use advice about something,” explains Savannah Heath, director of MCC’s Small Business Center. “This is their chance to get that advice free of charge during a period when they probably have the time to think about increasing efficiency and performance!” The SBC has a cadre of business experts across the state with know-how in over 35 commonly-expressed areas of need. All appointments are private and offered virtually during the pandemic.
When companies contact Heath, they should briefly describe the issue (or issues) for which they need counseling and advice. “Once I understand their pain points, I will connect them with one of our business counselors in North Carolina. They can determine mutually–agreeable times and get things figured out for that company. The bill comes to us, and we pay it. We want local companies to learn how survive and thrive during this pandemic.”
Heath has had several Small Business Center customers benefit from this training already. One business owner, Nomeka Tyson of Meka’s Braids and Styles on 108 East Main St. in Biscoe, expressed interest in human resource assistance, organizational culture, and growing her business. Heath matched Tyson with a counselor in Western North Carolina who has expertise in the area of leadership, project management, quality management, human resources, and organization dynamics. The two spent many hours together over virtual appointments, and Tyson felt she really received the help she needed. “Not only did he help me tackle the organizational issues I knew I had, he was also able to help me see what was coming in the future,” said Tyson. “I am so much smarter and better able to navigate this strange business environment.”
Other business owners can contact Heath at After describing any areas of concern, she will select the most appropriate advisor. Once the counseling is over, the business owner leaves with new knowledge and Heath takes care of the rest.