MCC Welcomes New SGA President, Judith Mendoza Hernandez
Published on Monday, August 14th, 2023
Meet MCC student and Student Government Association President Judith Mendoza Hernandez! Judith was born in Pinehurst, lived in Biscoe for five years, then started first grade in Troy where she has lived ever since. She attended Montgomery West Middle School, works an outside job today, and is currently enrolled in the Career & College Promise (CCP) program at Montgomery Central High School.

The CCP dual-enrollment program offers Judith tuition-free college classes at MCC, saving her time and money as she progresses toward a college degree. Through the CCP program, she is getting a head start on higher education, and trying her hand at college-level coursework in a comfortable setting close to home.
Judith’s long-term plans are to become an immigration lawyer. The college classes she is taking here at MCC are business and criminal justice related, disciplines which will transfer to one of North Carolina’s four-year institutions. So far she is considering North Carolina State University and the University of North Carolina at Greensboro as both schools have good criminology and criminal justice programs, respectively.
Past student ambassadors Reagan Hunsucker and Erika Shank encouraged Judith to become involved in MCC’s Student Government Association. “They told me it was a great opportunity to develop personal leadership skills in addition to making a contribution to the college community,” explains Judith. “So far I like it and I am looking forward to planning campus events and getting to know my fellow students.”