Policy 5.2.4 - Grading System

I. Student Evaluation.

Methods of evaluation of a student’s work may differ widely from class to class and among faculty members. Evaluation instruments or methods should reflect the objectives of the College and the course being taught. Students will be informed during the first week of class of the requirements for the course, methods of evaluation and the way their final grade will be determined. Each instructor determines the relative value of each evaluation instrument to be used.

II. Grading System.

A letter grade is used to indicate the quality of a student’s work in a course. Grade points are assigned for each letter so that a grade point average can be calculated. The grading system is as follows.

GradeExplanationQuality points per credit hour
A (90-100)Outstanding4
B (80-89)Above Average3
C (70-79)Average2
D (60-69)Passing1
F (Below 60)Failure0
APAdvanced Placement0
AUAudit of course0
CECredit by proficiency exam0
CRCredit (used for developmental DMA/DRE courses)0
CTCredit by transfer0
IPIn progress0
NGNo grade issued by instructor0
PPassing (developmental courses)0
P1Passing Tier 1 - transition courses0
P2Passing Tier 2 - transition courses0
P3Passing Tier 3 - transition courses0
RRe-enroll (used for developmental DMA/DRE courses)0
RARe-enroll (due to non-attendance of DMA/DRE courses)0
SSatisfactory Progress0
SRSenior citizen adult0
TP1Transfer credit of Tier 1 – transition courses0
TP2Transfer credit of Tier 2 – transition courses0
TP3Transfer credit of Tier 3 – transition courses0
UUnsatisfactory Progress0
WOfficial or Administrative Withdrawal0
WEEmergency Withdraw0
*An asterisk immediately following a grade indicates that the
grade was not included in the totals for GPA calculation.

Marks of AU, CE, and CT are not considered as credit hours attempted nor are quality points awarded. The marks of CE and CT will result in the recording of proper credit hours according to the course’s assigned value.

A grade of incomplete (I) grade will be given when circumstances justify additional time to complete the course. A grade of incomplete not removed by the end of the succeeding term will be changed to an “F” unless the instructor grants additional time. A grade of incomplete will not be considered for credit hours attempted until the grade is changed by the instructor or is reverted to an “F” due to lack of proper action by the student. The student will be informed of variations in the grading system during the first week of class. Exception: Special Credit students may be given a grade of W (withdrawal) on the course(s) without officially withdrawing.

Adopted: January 8, 2020