Policy 4.1.9 - Making-up Cancelled Classes

College classes that are missed or not held for any reason, including inclement weather, natural disasters or other emergencies, should be rescheduled or the instruction should be made-up by some other alternative. Alternatives include: extra class sessions, extended class sessions, online session, individual conferences or others approved by the Vice President of Instruction. The Vice President of Instruction may schedule make-up days whenever the College is closed beyond four (4) days/evenings due to inclement weather, natural disasters or other emergencies. Instructors will be responsible for making-up instruction by an approved alternative for the first four (4) days.

Instructors who miss class because of educational leave, College business, illness, or other personal emergencies shall make arrangements for class instruction with their appropriate supervisor. Instruction should be made up by an approved alternative.

Instruction made-up by an approved alternative for reasons of inclement weather, natural disasters, or other emergencies, illness, personal emergency leave, or educational leave assignments, must be approved by the Vice President of Instruction (or designee) and documented on the instructors’ Class Attendance Report to be turned in at the end of the term. Instruction should be made up at a time convenient to the majority of students. No punitive action may be taken against students who are unable to attend make up sessions for legitimate reasons. Students enrolled in dual-enrollment/innovative high school programs shall be excused from classes and offered appropriate alternative assignments when public schools are not in session.

All Continuing Education classes will be rescheduled and documented on the Class Attendance Report. Classes should be made up when convenient to the majority of students. There are no approved alternative methods to make up Continuing Education classes.

Adopted: September 9, 2019