Policy 6.2.5 - Daily Deposits

All money regardless of source or purpose collected or received by a College officer, employee and/or agent shall be provided to the College’s Accounting Technician/Accounts Receivable and deposited intact daily. Deposits shall be given to the Accounting Technician/Accounts Receivable in the College’s Business Office prior to the end of the business day. The Cashier will provide to the officer, employee and/or agent a receipt for the money. All individuals shall physically deliver the money to be deposited to the Business Office and provide directly to the Accounting Technician/Accounts Receivable or a Business Office staff member. Individuals are prohibited from sending money to the Accounting Technician/Accounts Receivable through interoffice mail or leaving the money on the Accounting Technician/Accounts Receivable’s desk.

Tuition and all revenues declared by law to be State moneys or otherwise shall be deposited pursuant to the rules of the State Treasurer.

Legal Reference: N.G.C.S. §§ 115D-58.9; 147-77

Adopted: January 9, 2019